Tuesday, 18 December 2012

International Human Rights Day

Students from NULC showed their support for Amnesty International on International Human Rights Day.

On Monday 10 December, Health and Social Care and A Level Sociology students joined Amnesty International speaker Trevor Trueman to hear about the work he has been involved with throughout his career, as a GP and as a volunteer health professional working to support Oromo Refugees in Ethiopia. 

Trevor shared the stories of the refugees he had spoken with during his frequent and lengthy visits to the country, he asked students to understand which of the Articles of the Declaration of Human Rights had been breached.

Trevor also joined students and Soroptomist International (Newcastle & District) in the food hall to share information about the people who are currently a focus of Amnesty International’s Write for Rights Campaign.  Students put pen to paper to urge governments across the world to make changes and bring Human Rights breaches to an end.

Local newspaper the Sentinel supported our event by printing an article on  Tuesday 11 December.

Eid al-Adha Celebrations

Students were invited to join Eid al- Adha celebrations in the Food Hall on the 22 and 23 October. 

Theresa Kirkham Blair NULC’s Equality & Diversity Advisor and Sidrah Farooq, a student at the college, organised the event to raise understanding for the festival and to share food and good wishes, as is customary for the Muslim community at this time of year.