Wednesday, 4 December 2013

On Tuesday 3rd December 2013
Foundation Degree student Carol Ashley and Health & Social Care student Corrina Screen, volunteered to share information to raise awareness for World Aids Day.  Both Carol and Corrina volunteer for Staffordshire Buddies, our local HIV and Sexual Health charity.  They spoke with students who visited the food hall, helping them to understand the ways they can stay safe today and in the future, informing them of the developments in medication and reduction in the number of people contracting HIV in North Staffordshire and across the world.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Interfaith Week at NULC


An Islamic Scholar attended college to meet four groups of Early Years students as part of the college’s celebrations to mark National Interfaith Week 2013.

Isa converted to Islam in 2009, lives in Middlesbrough and was born to an English father and a Greek mother. He is a graduate in Biomedical Science and is currently studying Law, as part of his pursuit for a greater understanding of his faith, he performs at a variety of speaking events across Britain, meeting people of all faiths and none to explain Islam and help communities to understand his religion.   

Students had the opportunity to ask about the requirements Islam places on those who practice it and on the community as a whole.  Isa helped students to explore what following his faith meant for the practices he undertook during his day to day life.  He explored the Quran, its intent and the ways that this would impact the families students will meet as they gain employment and provide services to the community as Early Years/Childcare providers. 
Isa answered questions regarding the need for food to be Halal, women and their cultural dress and their position in the family, the right to access medicine, arranged marriages, whether he is allowed to celebrate Christmas, where cultural and religious boundaries overlap, the variety of interpretations of the Quran and the reality of what it is to be a follower of the faith in a modern British society.
If you would like further information regarding Religion & Belief at NULC contact the colleges Equality & Diversity Advisor or the college Chaplain

We'd like to thank Iftikhar Ahmed from Stoke-on-Trent City Council's Community Cohesion Team for helping us to arrange this worthwhile activity


Friday, 22 November 2013

RAP Week - November 2013

During November RAP week students attended  a range of sessions from inspirational speakers and health professionals. Over the four days we welcomed fourteen external speakers and two members of NULC staff also ran sessions. All sessions were very well attended and feedback has been very positive.

RAP Week gives the students a chance to experience a variety of themed talks and to gain an enriched and memorable learning experience.

Here are some of the highlights from the week -

Young Minds
Young Minds' Chris Abela gave a series of talks about improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

Brooke Kinsella
Brooke gave a talk about the "Ben Kinsella Trust".

Classroom Medics
Classroom medics used a variety of techniques to engage the students.


Bac O'Connor
Speakers from Bac O'Connor talked about their own experiences of drug and alcohol issues.

Fix Up Team
Bola Adeoshun from the "Fix Up" Team helped boost students confidence and motivate them to "live their dreams".

Beth Tweddle
Olympian Beth Tweddle talked about her training regime and fitness programme.
College Counsellor
Mary Jones, NULC college counsellor gave strategies about how to deal with stress.
Students also received sessions from :-
"B-Clear" Sexual health team,Ruby Girl, Road Safety, Stress Management, Heartstart Team, T3, James Mountjoy - Fitness and Nutrition, Personal Strengths and Bank Nursing.



Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The Learner Services Team- providing support and opportunities at NULC

The Learner Services Team

Who are we?

The Learner Services Team are based on the second floor of the college (next to the LRC). We offer Additional Learning Support and non-academic pastoral support to learners to enable them to achieve their full potential, feel safe, happy and part of the College community.

We have 3 Learner Managers, who are available Monday-Friday to support you and ensure you get the right help and advice if you are struggling to attend college, have problems that are affecting your wellbeing or if you are struggling to cope with any aspect of your life.  They can make referrals to other support within the College and to external agencies.

Each Learner Manager has been assigned subject areas, so take a look below for who you will be working with.

Learner Managers
Jo Lawton
Sport, Early Years, Health & Social Care and Hair and Beauty
01782 254383

Jan Austin
Business, Travel & Tourism, Accountancy, IT, Construction & Engineering, Public Services and Sixth Form
01782 254213

Paula Cooper
Art, Design, Floristry, Photography, Media, Music and Sixth Form
01782 254391

Some of the external agencies that we work with include:

·         MIND (for mental health issues)
·         ARCH (for housing issues)
·         C-Card (for sexual health, advice and guidance)
·         YMCA (for housing issues)
·         Aspire Housing (for housing issues)
·         Citizens Advice Bureau (for advice and guidance on debt, benefits, employment, housing, discrimination and many more issues)
·         Savana (counselling for those who have suffered domestic and/or sexual abuse)
·         Young Carers (supporting young people with caring responsibilities)

Personal Tutors

When you enrol at college, you will be assigned a Personal Tutor who will be your main point of contact throughout your course.

You will see your personal tutor on a regular basis for group sessions, and a minimum of 3 times during the academic year for 1 to 1 reviews. In addition to the set times that you will see your personal tutor, they will be on hand at other times throughout the week, should you need any additional support.

Group tutorials look at themes that are common to members of your tutorial group. There will be at least 6 key themes that will be discussed.

These are:
         Safeguarding/Child Protection
          Class Reps and Learner Voice
          Equality and Diversity
          Alcohol Awareness
          Money Management and Employability Skill

Here at NULC we value the learner voice and there will be an opportunity for student’s to put forward topics that are of particular interest to them to be discussed within the group.

Through the group tutorials, you will be given the opportunity to:
         Become a class rep
         Become an Xtra volunteer
         Become a peer mentor
         Stand for election to become a member of the Students’ Union
         Gain employability skills through paid and unpaid voluntary opportunities

In your one to one tutorials, you will work closely with your tutor to assess your current academic progress. You will also have the chance to talk more in depth about any issues that may be affecting your college life, answer any queries you have and where relevant, get advice and guidance in relation to UCAS applications or career progression.

Through your tutorials, you will find out information on a range of enrichment activities that are run throughout the college on a weekly basis that you will have the opportunity to take part in. These include Sign Language and Japanese as well as interactive one off sessions where you can learn new skills.

In your tutorials, you will be able to discuss and find out information on cross college events and how to get involved.

Cross College Events

For more information on the support available at NULC please contact Learner Services at or telephone 01782 254272.

Friday, 3 May 2013

NULC Cancer Awareness Week 22 – 26 April 2013

In September 2012 the Fresh Hair Wig Salon founder Fiona Ford, and her Salon Manager (Gaynor Muir) met Hair & Beauty students during induction week.  They spoke about the need for the work they currently undertake from a temporary salon for Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy who have lost or are losing their hair.   

Throughout the year, supporting local organisation Soroptomists revisited groups again and shared further information about the salon’s charity and their need to raise funds to build their own salon over at the hospital (UHNS).  They asked for students to support them with their challenge. 

To publicise the activities they invited Graphics students to enter a competition to design a poster for Hair & Beauty student’s fundraiser.  

Student Laura Gardiner entered the winning poster as a series of three.

Fellow Graphics student Marcus Flynn designed a fantastic piece of animation, follow the link to his work on I-site

In total £332.18 was raised by asking clients at the transform salon to donate 20% of their fee, Health & Social Care students sold Fresh Hair "Dare to Bare" wristbands on Cancer Awareness stalls throughout the week.

To say thank you for their much needed support Fiona, Gaynor and their client Lesley joined students to deliver a Wig Fitting Master class in the Auditorium.

If you would like to find out more about the the charity take a look at their website,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=63&cntnt01origid=81&cntnt01returnid=82
 or contact Hair & Beauty Personal Tutor's , or NULC's Equality & Diversity Advisor 

Monday, 11 March 2013

RAP Week

Take a look at some of the activities that we have hosted during RAP Week

Day One

Raymond Green – NHS Manager for Nurse Bank/Agency and Nurse Recruitment (H&SC)

Raymond Green talked to learners from relevant subject areas / learners with this as a possible career interest. He gave an overview of the types of roles, opportunities available and pathways that lead in to Nursing / Healthcare.

Employability Skills Workshop (attended by students from Vocational Studies, Animal Care, Joinery, Construction, Health and Social Care and Engineering) Over 130 students participated.

This workshop, ran through a company called Learning Performance, this was an interactive, fun session with the following aims:

·         Enabling learners to discover their ‘transferable skills’ and to understand how these are highly beneficial to them in their ‘next step’
·         Improve confidence in learners in relation to their ‘next step’
·         Highlight teamwork and communication as vital elements in employment

Please see the website for further information:

Sonia James – NHS District Nurse (H&SC) Attended by over 50 Health and Social Care and Early Years learners.

Sonia James talked to learners from relevant subject areas / learners with this as a possible career interest. She gave an overview of the role, pathways to the role and skills and qualities that are required within healthcare.

CV workshops Attended by over 60 learners from Vocational Studies, Early Years and Engineering.

 This was an interactive and informative session for learners which helped them improve upon develop their CV. There was also the opportunity for learners to ask questions during this session regarding job application forms.

Neil Goodwin – Barratt Homes (Construction) Attended by over 50 learners from Construction

An employer talk for Construction learners. See the website for further information:

Classroom Medics Attended by over 60 learner from Public Services and Health and Social Care

Split between the following:

Classroom Medics focused on H&SC learners and careers in Health by engaging learners with a wide variety of equipment.

Please see the website for further information:

Classroom Medics focused on Public Services learners through group activities that relate to casualties.
Classroom Medics focused on Sports learners with a Health and Fitness MOT. This is complimented by information from the trainers on Sport Careers.

  Day 2

Interview Skills and Confidence

This was an interactive workshop which allowed learners to explore and discover the top tips and practical suggestions for interview confidence!  This was attended by over 100 learners throughout the day from ICT, Health and Social Care, Vocational Studies, Sport, Contstruction and ICT learners.

Ellen Anderson – Social Worker for the YMCA This session was attended by over 60 learners from Health and Social Care
Ellen Anderson has overcome barriers to achieving her goal to become a Social Worker. Ellen is totally blind and she describes how she did not allow this to stand in the way of her ambition. This talk focused on Ellen’s journey and her role as a Social Worker.  She provided the following synopsis:

I had a huge gap in education to have and bring up my 6 children.  Following the birth of my 6th child, I received support from Sure Start and they encouraged me to attend Newcastle College where I completed the Access course.  I received brilliant support both from lecturers and Specialist support team.

After completing the course I progressed on to university where I took a degree in Social Work.  Again, the support I received was excellent.  It was tough, as being a totally blind student, lecture notes and books had to be adapted to an accessible format.

I was tempted many times to give up, but I was committed, I kept my focus on the goal I wished to achieve and, despite my disability, I intended to reach it. 

This I did and left university with a FIRST. 

Where am I now?  I have a full time job working as a social worker with young people.  I love it!! Did I ever believe I would see my dream become a reality? No, not at first, but with a lot of encouragement from lecturers at college, excellent support, and a little self belief, I did!

CV workshops - was attended by over 60 learners from Vocational Studies, Health and Social Care and IT

This was an interactive and informative session for learners to help  improve upon or develop their CV. There was also the opportunity for learners to ask questions during this session regarding job application forms. This session also included team building exercises.

Day 3

Forever Angels

This presentation helped raise awareness of the charity and engaged learners in thinking about fundraising opportunities. See the following information:

The objective of Forever Angels UK is to promote and raise awareness of orphaned and abandoned children in Tanzania and to support initiatives to alleviate these problems.
Mission Statement
We aim to promote general charitable purposes for the benefit of the community of Tanzania in order to address and alleviate social and economic disadvantage to impoverished and HIV positive families and orphaned or abandoned children.
Our First Project: Forever Angels Baby Home
Our first project is the building of a Baby Home in Mwanza on the shores of Lake Victoria in Tanzania. This Baby Home provides a stable, loving home for up to 50 orphaned and abandoned babies and infants from 0 to 5 years, who are severely disadvantaged. It is staffed by trained and dedicated Tanzanian carers and trainees and provides nutrition, love, health care, physical and emotional support until the child is either fostered, adopted or reunited with their family.

UFA - This was attended by 40 Early Years learners and learnt and developed ice breakers and team building exrcises to use in early years settings.

Gifted Workshops (Daf Price) This was attended by over 60 learners studying Early Years and Music Technology

This will be split between:

A workshop with Daf Price outlining his career and exploring the technical element of his role. See the website for more information:

A fun interactive DJ session for learners to try out their skills in scratching and mixing tracks.