Wednesday, 20 May 2015

NULC's support has helped over 1,000 students to be educated in The Uganda Humanist Schools (UHST)

NULC is proud to be one of the supporters who have contributed to The Uganda Humanist Schools Trust, which has made great progress over the last year. UHST now has over 1,000 students being educated between the three Humanist Schools in Uganda.

Over the past year £2,800 was used to provide learning resources for the schools and a further £4,180 was provided to purchase learning materials and equipment. The computer networks were maintained which is an essential resource for students to use for Computer Studies as part of their National Curriculum.

At the Isaac Newton High School in Kateera a great deal of work has been made to refurbish the school hall to meet the requirements set out by the Uganda National Examinations Board so students are now in the best environment to complete their exams.

After a successful appeal, funds were generated for the construction of a boys’ hostel suitable for 50, the school decided to increase the build to be used by 96 with the extra cost being paid over three terms which shows the schools progress towards becoming self-sustainable.

The Trust’s plans for the future include creating a sports field, library and increasing the number of computers available. By 2016 the Trust hopes to of helped Schools to become self-sustaining so they are able to cover their own running costs and are able to set aside budgets to cover the cost of repairs, maintenance and necessary new developments.

To find out more about UHST, see here: